Team Up, Level Up
Imagine having instant insights into your team's performance roadblocks at your fingertips, empowering you to address and resolve issues in your team at the very moment they arise. But that's not all - we value privacy as much as you do. Our unique system operates without collecting user data, eliminating the hassle of GDPR requirements. With Surply, you put managers in control, and enhancing their team's potential becomes as seamless as it is immediate.
How it Works
Surply identifies within minutes team culture shortcomings at the moment it is most relevant.
At Surply's we believe that employee engagement is a byproduct of a healthy company culture, like weight loss is a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle. You don't need strategies to improve employee engagement. The key is to identify shortcomings at the right moment at the right time. For this reason, Surply put the manager in control, providing the right tools and support to unleash the team's full potential.
The usage and the ownership lies where the change is happening; with the manager and the team
Actionable insights within 10 minutes!
100% unanimous and falls outside GDPR regulations speeding up implementation and adoption
To encourage the right behaviors, Surply is designed using the Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely (EAST) model. These four simple principles for applying behavioral insights are based on the Behavioral Insights Team’s own work and the broader academic literature (source:
Why Surply.
We understand what challenges managers face in their day-to-day work:
How do I empower my team to deliver high value while being highly engaged?
My employees are losing faith and start (quiet) quitting costing companies 6-9 months' salary.
Shortcomings in my team are not being addressed in a timely manner.
As a manager, I get overloaded with (engagement) data. I get so much data but now what?
How do I control and manage the complex social structure of teams in a hybrid / remote world?
How does Surply help fix this?
1. Empower the managers and teams with the rights tools and data to ‘own’ the challenge
Managers account for 70% of the variance in team engagement and heavily influence employee well-being. It’s essential to not only provide managers with the data but also the tools and direction toward success.
3. Build awareness; There is a flow to building high-performing cultures
The methodology is build around a set of principles we call the "The Surpass Principles", represented as an infinite flow of 10 steps over 3 key pillars. Research shows that executing and implementing these 10 steps will deliver up to 800% higher productivity as well as world-class employee engagement scores.
The usage and the ownership lies where the change is happening; with the manager and the team
Empowers remote, hybrid and geographically distributed teams to become a high-performing team
Gives scientifically proven and research-based direction for reaching a state of high performance
Supports regulatory requirements and sustainability goals through controls on engagement of employees
Our Clients
Why teams like Surply?